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At a Glance

The present government, realizing the importance of primary education, is working tirelessly to ensure a balanced and quality primary education. In order to reduce the teacher-student ratio, 26 new teachers have been appointed in this upazila including creation of new pre-primary teachers, 36 washblocks have been constructed with 20 establishments in order to create conducive environment for education at school level. Tubewells, 55 new classrooms have been constructed in this upazila. Free books have been distributed among 100% students in 2022 to ensure compulsory primary education. There are 105 schools in this upazila with laptop / multimedia projector and one school has Sheikh Russell digital class. Room In addition, 100% students are being provided stipends through mobile banking under the Education Assistance Program for Poor Families with the wind to complete primary education including storm prevention. Decentralization of 134 primary schools with school level development plan for implementation of school level development plan, allocation of Rs.